March 27, 2008
Horas de Vuelo!
Ayer fuí al aeropuerto a ver volar a mi papá y a mi hermano. Comenzaron a tomar clases teóricas hace algunos meses y ahora están con las clases prácticas. El primer paso es completar 40 horas de vuelo en un Cessna -parece comprado en TOYS R US- y al completarlas podrán volar aviones de similares características al Cessna. Después, si quisieran volar otro tipo de avión, tendrán que tomar más clases teóricas y prácticas.
En esta foto parecen como si ya fueran todos unos expertos, jeje.
Los instrumentos.
Parte de la sombra del diminuto avión.
Rodrigo despegando para completar su quinta hora de vuelo.
March 26, 2008
Semana Santa en SA
Esta Semana Santa fuimos a San Antonio con mis papás, Majo, Ana Paula, Ana Sofía, Mena, Marcelo y Marcelito. Además del shopping y caminar por el Río, visitamos Boerne, TX, que es un pueblito a las afueras de San Antonio donde su avenida principal está llena de tienditas de antiguedades, galerias de arte, restaurantes, etc.
Esta es una fachada de una casa en Boerne.
Sandra, mi Mamá y Majo en un restaurante de comida alemana.
Mi Papá y Ana Sofía.
Corndogs, salchichas, nachos, pretzels, etc... No precisamente lo más saludable, jeje.
Las cuatas.
Camila atacada de la risa.
Las mujeres.
Sandra y yo.
Camila feliz en el Bjorn que le prestaron sus primas.
Madre e hija.
The three amigos.
Y Camila no dejaba de reirse.
March 17, 2008
Cumpleaños de mi papá y más...
El fin de semana pasado, mi papá cumplió años y se festejo con una rica carne asada, salchichas, tortillas, guacamole, empalmes... y no podía faltar de postre un delicioso pastel de chocolate amargo con helado.
Mi mamá ayudándole a partir el enorme pastel...

Con su nieta...

Muy contenta Camila por primera vez en su cuna...

Estaba feliz viendo todos los árboles un día que fuimos a caminar a Calzada...

Con Abu-Moma!

Mena y Marcelito...

Con su progenitora...

Mi mamá ayudándole a partir el enorme pastel...
Con su nieta...
Muy contenta Camila por primera vez en su cuna...
Estaba feliz viendo todos los árboles un día que fuimos a caminar a Calzada...
Con Abu-Moma!
Mena y Marcelito...
Con su progenitora...
March 12, 2008
Tips para empacar
Para todos aquellos interesados en cómo viaja un fotógrafo profesional con su equipo fotográfico y cómo lo empaca, vean este video del fotógrafo Chase Jarvis. Chase Jarvis es un excelente fotógrafo comercial y entre sus clientes están Apple, REI, Columbia, Volvo, American Express, Microsoft, McDonalds, Budweiser, Red Bull, Jeep, Dell, etc.
March 8, 2008
Crisis en EUA!
Para todos aquellos interesados en lo que está sucediendo con la economía de EUA, les recomiendo leer el blog de Gary Fong. Les copio lo que menciona hoy al respecto:
Right now, the Federal Reserve Bank is rapidly trying to inject money into the financial markets because the banks are in trouble. They are in huge trouble, and the government is trying to print money and they're considering another emergency rate cut to stimulate the economy.
I have never EVER seen more stupid leadership in my entire life. The consumers and homeowners have run borrowing to the limit- and they cannot pay back the loans. Now jobs are vanishing, fuel is at record prices (which makes inflation take off) and the fed is printing more US dollars because the banks simply cannot lend. With massive write-downs of bad debt, the banks are in trouble. There are a record number of bank closures.
Everybody is spent out! In New Hampshire, Connecticutt and Rhode Island, the average credit card debt per person was over $15,000! Will they pay these balances back in their lifetimes? Not when you keep sending them new credit cards. And here's the next thing:
Banks are going to reduce your credit card spending limits. They're going to have to. So your $2,500 credit limit card is going to shrink to say, $1,500 limit. When that happens, spending will REALLY stop and there is going to be an unbelievable halt to spending.
Sharper Image and Bombay Company have gone bankrupt. Walk around the malls these days, and you'll notice they're eerily quiet, with many stores being boarded up. Each time a company goes bankrupt, lenders lose the money they lent, and people lose jobs. The people who are losing their jobs couldn't afford to pay the mortgages of their homes anyway because of the credit crisis, and soon their credit card limits are going to decrease or banks are going to stop allowing charges on these cards.
So the Federal Reserve (in an election year) is going to choose higher inflation and a plummeting dollar in a LAME, STUPID ASS attempt to increase spending. Do YOU want to increase YOUR spending? Inflation is going to take off out of control because the U.S. dollar is losing value against other currencies. This is a reason gas prices are going up so much - WE IMPORT our oil and the U.S. Dollar is becoming worth less and less every day. Oil prices affect everything from food prices to - well, hell, everything - so fuel prices are going to skyrocket with travel prices, plane tickets, shipping costs.
Very very few in the financial press wrote about the great depression coming in 1933. Nobody saw it coming - except a few. I remember last year, in Vegas, I was sitting around with a bunch of my closest friends because somebody asked me what the coming year was going to look like, and I said real estate was going to crash - crash big, and it was when things were still flying pretty high.
The economy is on the precipice of a freefall. When my friend the bond broker told me that UBS Financial's experts were terrified because "we have no idea how low the bottom is going to be - it's unimaginable" - I can imagine it.
Thank goodness you elected a leader that is against abortion and stem cell research. He did nothing to stop those either after eight years of not even trying. Do most of you know that stem cell research no longer requires embryonic tissue? Did you know that Bush tried to nominate a pro-choice person to the Supreme Court?
Right now, the Federal Reserve Bank is rapidly trying to inject money into the financial markets because the banks are in trouble. They are in huge trouble, and the government is trying to print money and they're considering another emergency rate cut to stimulate the economy.
I have never EVER seen more stupid leadership in my entire life. The consumers and homeowners have run borrowing to the limit- and they cannot pay back the loans. Now jobs are vanishing, fuel is at record prices (which makes inflation take off) and the fed is printing more US dollars because the banks simply cannot lend. With massive write-downs of bad debt, the banks are in trouble. There are a record number of bank closures.
Everybody is spent out! In New Hampshire, Connecticutt and Rhode Island, the average credit card debt per person was over $15,000! Will they pay these balances back in their lifetimes? Not when you keep sending them new credit cards. And here's the next thing:
Banks are going to reduce your credit card spending limits. They're going to have to. So your $2,500 credit limit card is going to shrink to say, $1,500 limit. When that happens, spending will REALLY stop and there is going to be an unbelievable halt to spending.
Sharper Image and Bombay Company have gone bankrupt. Walk around the malls these days, and you'll notice they're eerily quiet, with many stores being boarded up. Each time a company goes bankrupt, lenders lose the money they lent, and people lose jobs. The people who are losing their jobs couldn't afford to pay the mortgages of their homes anyway because of the credit crisis, and soon their credit card limits are going to decrease or banks are going to stop allowing charges on these cards.
So the Federal Reserve (in an election year) is going to choose higher inflation and a plummeting dollar in a LAME, STUPID ASS attempt to increase spending. Do YOU want to increase YOUR spending? Inflation is going to take off out of control because the U.S. dollar is losing value against other currencies. This is a reason gas prices are going up so much - WE IMPORT our oil and the U.S. Dollar is becoming worth less and less every day. Oil prices affect everything from food prices to - well, hell, everything - so fuel prices are going to skyrocket with travel prices, plane tickets, shipping costs.
Very very few in the financial press wrote about the great depression coming in 1933. Nobody saw it coming - except a few. I remember last year, in Vegas, I was sitting around with a bunch of my closest friends because somebody asked me what the coming year was going to look like, and I said real estate was going to crash - crash big, and it was when things were still flying pretty high.
The economy is on the precipice of a freefall. When my friend the bond broker told me that UBS Financial's experts were terrified because "we have no idea how low the bottom is going to be - it's unimaginable" - I can imagine it.
Thank goodness you elected a leader that is against abortion and stem cell research. He did nothing to stop those either after eight years of not even trying. Do most of you know that stem cell research no longer requires embryonic tissue? Did you know that Bush tried to nominate a pro-choice person to the Supreme Court?
March 7, 2008
"The Moment It Clicks"
Les recomiendo este libro de fotografía que Joe McNally acaba de sacar. Además de excelentes fotos, tiene muchos tips y consejos muy buenos. La revista American Photo, describe a Joe McNally como uno de los fotoperiodistas más versatiles de la actualidad, y es considerado como una de las 100 personas más importantes de la fotografía. Lo pueden comprar en Amazon.
March 4, 2008
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